Is the Cinch Blossom Thinner Right for You?

How to Determine if the Peach Cinch is Right for You

This blossom trimmer is able to be used on most fruiting trees you can think of including peach, cherry, apple, plum, apricot, and nectarine varietals. Every grower has specific needs and Phil Miller with The Blossom Cinch can work with every size orchard or enthusiast to help meet their needs.

What is your goal?

If your goal is to increase the size of your fruit without sacrificing quantity then the Peach Cinch will work wonderfully. When a fruit tree begins to push new buds out it will use as much energy as it can to create as many buds as possible. For a fruit harvest this means the tree will put out a large quantity of fairly average quality fruit unless the buds are kept in check. If your operation can benefit from a mechanical method of controlling your tree’s blossom count then the Peach Cinch is right for you.

Do you have small or large fruit trees?

It’s not an issue! The Cinch is able to manage orchards and plantations with squat, bushy trees as well as tall, leggy trees. It has been designed and used by Phil Miller for to be used on small, average, and large trees with the 3′, 4′, and 5′ extension arms. Replacing labor on large projects empowers users to focus efforts on more critical infrastructure.

Works for Any Application

From corporate operations to small-scale grower, the Peach Cinch can improve your yields for years. In the video below, a crew of trimmers rides down orchard alley during pruning season. The amount of time spent per tree, and in turn per person, is reduced by an absolutely staggering amount.